Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books That Will Make You Laugh (or at least chuckle)

1. Food: A Love Story

Guys, this book is hilarious. Jim Gaffigan is one of my favorite comedians and his writing feels genuine. It's like he is talking to you personally about how much he loves falafel. If you're having a rough day, read a couple of pages and I promise you will feel better. 

2. Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?

This isn't the type of book you sit down and read and can't wait to get to the next chapter. It's the kind of book you read for a laugh between classes or when you need a pick me up before bed. After you read Mindy Kaling, you'll wish you had a best friend as cool as her (I luckily do). 

3. Who Ordered the Jumbo Shrimp?

I love oxymorons. I think they are hilarious. My favorite is probably dress pants... how can you be a dress and pants??? Silly oxymorons

4. Paper Towns

John Green masters teenage sarcasm. Not my favorite book, but I definitely chuckled quite a few times. 

5. The Princess Bride

I don't usually say inflammatory things, but if you don't like The Princess Bride, I don't think I want to be your friend.

6. Breathing Lessons

A tale of silly arguments, a meddling mother and a complicated road trip. Looking for a fun, light read? This is it. 

7. Matilda

If you're reading this blog, then you were probably a weird book kid and totally related to Matilda. I sure did. 

8.Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

Every awkward interaction will have cringing and laughing!

9. The Martian

This is the funniest sci-fi ever. I was surprised at how much humor is in this book.

10. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

It's amazing how Twain can fill one book with so much joy and laughter while still maintaining serious themes about honesty and belonging.

For more lists, visit brokeandbookish.com. 


  1. I love Jim Gaffigan and I definitely do need to read Mindy Kaling's books! My TTT

  2. I love this weeks topic, I am such a fan of books that can make me laugh. You've got some great picks this weeks, and I am definitely going to add a few of these to my own TBR. Thanks for the recommendations! :) You can check out my picks here.

  3. Matilda is one of my absolute favourite books!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2016/04/19/top-ten-tuesday-53/
